Monday, 10 October 2011

Growing in season

So it seems another month has nearly passed, I am really loosing sense of time here, and knowing that I have just over 2 months remaining before I will be returning to England is now a sad thought!
At the beginning I thought I would be ready to come home by the end of the 6 months, but the thought of going back home now is just a sad thought, as although I miss certain things from time to time I have not truly been missing it like I thought I would be. I have a really sense and feeling like I am at home here in Kenya, although there has and is times that I get upset with things here and just want to go back, I do really love it, but I guess what I really love most is the people.
The love I have been given for Kenyans, there is people in particular who have truly impacted me and changed my life since the moment I meet them, I now cant imagine my life without them. I have such a heart and passion to help them change their lives around through the love of Jesus Christ, knowing that I have also became a major part of their life cant be put into words. Being able to talk truth into their life and encourage them down the right route, the only route God's path. Being able to share a testimony of hope and love into them, plant seeding seeds that are building their faith and seeing the growth slowly start to take shape is just amazing. I am looking forward to seeing what God will do next......

Looking back at these past months I just see I have learnt so much in so many different areas. I have learnt so much about Kenya and Africa in general seeing the bigger picture, and the long term sustainable results that is needed in the development and help that is offered. Really seeing the damage that can be done through what people thinking is helping people but in fact it is actually causing more damage than good. Really learnt lots in this area and has really changed and impacted me through many first hand experiences I have faced, along with the knowledge I have been given.

There have been times over these last few months I have questioned God what are you doing?! And some of which I still don’t have the answer to, but I just know and see that through it my faith has grown stronger. I have had to seek God in new and bigger ways, and that I have truly just become so dependent on him alone. Learning more and more so that he is my helper the one who sustains me, the one that is always there, the one who is my strength, my encouragement, my everything he is indescribable his love is just so amazing! He has been my all in all I have had to face and pass through during this time. I have had so much time with God that I would not normally have at home or would not make for as I would be too 'busy' being here has given me unlimited time with God and its been amazing learning and growing in his word and seeing how much of a difference it makes, and I just realise what I was missing out on before!

As time passes I am really realising how much I have learnt and things that are changing within me. There is so much I could list and when I really think hard I am sure the list will become even longer! But I am sure its not the end of it either....

When God is all you have, you realise God is all you need. 

Highlights of the last month

 Thinking back as to what’s happened over the last month is hard so I will just talk of a few key things that come to mind and maybe the most recent.

At the end of September I went Tanzania with Toni (who I used to work with) and her family, who invited me along and truly blessed me. God really provided for me to go and was such a blessing and an amazing opportunity to see more of Africa and God's beauty.
Although as always and it being Africa it didn’t start with a smooth start! So we reached the border, first off we have to go through the Kenyan border to be able to leave where is where i faced the problem of not being able to leave! The guy was just trying to find a problem that was not there, questioning me and arguing with me which ended with him getting so mad that he refused to stamp my passport so I couldn’t leave. After a long while he unwilling did so. We were then forced to bribe our way out as they then were not letting us take the car across. To then enter the Tanzania border where we were then trying to be bribed again! It is such a common thing and seen as everyday life her so much corruption goes on! After 2 hours or so we finally were in Tanzania and begun our journey again!

Tanzania is very different to Kenya in terms of the cleanliness of the place, the people are really different and a really different atmosphere, so different! And these people are soooo lazy!!!
We wer first staying in a town called Moshi which is right by Kilimanjaro, although this time of the year its rare that you see it and is always covered by the clouds but one evening we were lucky to see the top of it, it just looked surreal like it was floating in the clouds, it was unreal! So beautiful!
The following day we went to the area of Kilimanjaro, well the foot of it where we see where the Masai's used to live being taught about their culture and traditions. We even went into under ground caves of where they would hide, we had to crawl along as it was so small and they were telling me cows used to fit in there! and oh my I screamed when it was filled with BATS flying around me!! Worst thing ever!! Finishing off by going to the waterfalls before we had to head off to a wedding!
African weddings are so different to weddings back home with so many processes and traditions that have to be followed! Although this wedding was even more different than a kenyan wedding with 3 people getting married at once which was just weird and the reception went on for numerous hours cake cutting first, roasted goat with chefs dancing all very weird!

We also went to Ngorongoro national park when we was there driving through the crater was just beautiful and getting to see a few animals along the way although the majority seem to have been hiding!

There was a lot of driving and travelling around highlights seeing more of this beautiful place, mountains, more of the rift valley too. We passed through many masai land there is this one masai who has 36 wives and over 300 children, that many children that he had to open his own school!
Crazy guys trying to marry you, telling you that they love you and so on many funny stories with this!

It was good to be there but i was feeling like I wanted to go home and it felt time, when I arrived back in Kenya I jsut felt like I had reached home and was just so happy to be back!

This weekend a couple I work with Maureen and Dan got married, was good to actually go to a wedding of the people I know.  The wedding starts at 10am and goes on all day, was a long but good day, was beautiful despite all the funny traditions they have to go through!

Work collegues

Still busy at work getting ready for next year, with opportunities opening up to me and getting involved in new ways so has been good. Will soon be involved more as my boss leaves to go on maternity leave in a week or so, so will be interesting to see what happens next! 

I have been facing many financial difficulties which has been a struggle for me so if you could please pray for me.

All in all despite everything, I love being here and learning and growing in all kinds of things.


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